Fire Safety

Fire safety in the home is a top concern for almost everybody. Even more so for the disabled and mobility impaired. But, the average home has smoke detectors that are not handicapped accessible. This can be solved if the building community would adopt the latest technology as described in Smoke Alarm System US Patents #11,170,621 and 11,600,159. See the attached patents and engineering designs, and you will see what I mean. The handicapped accessible smoke alarm got plenty of attention positive feedback when it was presented in its proof-of-concept form at the National Fire Protection Association Expo in Las Vegas.

Look down below, you can get to know the inventor, Tom Hillery. He knew about the dangers and hardships firefighters face every day because his Uncle Ralph and Aunt Betty dedicated their entire working lives to the Boston Fire Department.

You can see Tom has had varied experience in the creative world of inventing. He has been awarded five US patents and has six pending. Check out his credential in the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who publications (the world’s oldest and most respected source for biographical references. Check what the world’s greatest investor, Warren Buffet, has to say about them.)

A flyer for the smoke alarm system.
A man with glasses sitting in front of a window.

Ron Garrett Nevada Hall of Fame Broadcaster talks about

THE Smoke Detector

A word to the public.

I was a firefighter in New York City for 21 and 1:2 years. I was one of the people who was called in on that terrible day we all remember as WI I. I have been on the scene and witnessed tragic results of fires and seen human lives lost or damaged, sometimes forever.

Firefighters know that quick response is the key to reducing loss of life. Working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors arc valuable tools for this. The problem is that maintaining them, especially changing the butteries. is difficult and can even be dangerous for some people. So, a lot of smoke detectors are left disabled. Thousands of people arc lost in fires each year because of this.
Rut I have learned about A United States Patent number 11.170,621 "Smoke Alarm System" which sets the batteries and monitoring buttons on it compartment on the wail. This power supply is remote irnin the smoke detector (which must be on the ceiling to work properly.) The remote control also has a warning light and emits a warning sound that makes it easy to determine which smoke detector needs service.

I think this is ideal for people who arc elderly, have problems with balance, might have vision limitations, have houses with high ceilings, live alone or just do not want to go up a ladder to keep their smoke detectors working.
In my opinion as a firmer professional firefighter. The Smoke Alarm System device would be an invaluable asset and a great improvement to home safety. I would like to see this product on the market and available to everyone.


A green background with the word " frank."

500,000 Falls From Ladders Annually; 97 Percent Occur at Home or on Farms.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Every Year 500,000 People Are Treated for Ladder-related Injuries and Approximately 300 of These Incidents Prove to Be Fatal.

The most frustrating part of this pervasive public health nightmare, is that many of these injuries can be avoided by simply keeping our citizens off ladders. Thousands of injuries can be prevented, and millions of dollars in health care costs can be avoided.

One of the most common reasons for average people in the home setting to climb a ladder is to simply change the battery in a smoke detector. This requires annual and recurrent “trips up the ladder.”

Tom Hillery’s innovative invention, (Smoke Alarm System, US Patent 11,170,621) which permits smoke detector batteries to be changed simply and safely without the need to climb a ladder, will have significant public health benefits as soon as this technology is implemented.

As a physician, I have treated hundreds of patients who have been seriously injured because of preventable falls from ladders. Use of this invention will go a long way toward a safer and healthier society.

Jerald A. Bovino MD FACS, FASRS
Aspen, CO

Check out all the patents for fire safety, cell phone comfort, power monitoring and management systems for electric vehicles and more right here….

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A black and white logo for marquis who 's who.

People Deserve the Safety and Security of Maximum Fire Protection in Their Homes.

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Steve Wozniak co-founder of Apple computer, speaks about Digiflexx
